Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Pictures

We spent Thanksgiving with some friends this year. It was different than being with family but we really did have a great time and of course great food!

Cade is really into dressing as close as he can to Aaron. On Sunday mornings he has to wear button up shirts just like his daddy!

Yes that's Cade with all the girls. He was given the option of what table to sit at and this is what he chose.

All the boys. Isaac trying to see how silly of a face he can make!

Curt and Sarah

John and Teffany

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving but ready for Christmas!

I am having a hard time with being away from all my family this year for Thanksgiving. I enjoy Thanksgiving and have a lot to be thankful for but I am especially looking forward to Christmas.

I don't normally decorate early for Christmas but being extra excited for it to get here and having a Cookie Exchange and Youth Leaders party at my house has got me decorating early.
This is in over my table. I don't have a typical light fixture in there so I was trying to be creative about how to decorate it. It's not exactly what I was going for but I had fun searching for the ribbon and hanging the ornaments.

We also have lights up on the outside of the house. Color lights at that. That isn't something we do but this year our neighbors gave us the lights and the boys were so excited. I will have to take another picture of the outside of the house when they are all turned on. It has been fun decorating in our new house. It's kinda like have new decorations since I get to figure out all over again where everything is going to go.

Next on my list is to work on getting a good picture of the boys for our Christmas card.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I've been slacking!

So I haven't blogged since February! Wow! I have been slacking latetly! We got busy with Aaron finishing up his last semester and graduating and looking for a job. We are now living in McPherson, Kansas and Aaron is the Student Pastor at New Hope Evangelical Church. We are loving the town here and all the sweet people! The boys have adjusted well and made lots of friends. Aaron loves his job and the students he gets to work with. We are very blessed and see God's hand in the journey we have been on since Aaron started school in August of 2007.

These are a few pics of the boys and our house!

This is my little football player. Isaac played his first year of football this Fall and it was tackle with full pads. I know! What was I thinking letting my baby play tackle football? I thought that often through the season but Isaac had a great time and loved being out there playing. He never did enjoy being tackled though!

My little Kindergardener! He absolutely loves school! This is his first school picture. He has the best teacher and has made some great friends. He is doing very well in school and loves to learn. I hope and pray he keeps that desire to learn all through school!

Isaac got baptized on his 9th birthday this year! We are so proud of him! It was so neat to have his daddy be apart of this! My parents were in town for the boys birthdays and got to be there to see this. What a great way to celebrate his birthday!

We bought our first house in almost 9 years. We had our own home after we had been married a year but sold it to move into a parsonage. Since then we have lived in an apartment or parsonage while Aaron finished up school. We are so excited to own our own home again. We love our little house and the neighborhood we live in. OH and yes those are Christmas lights on the house with the Thanksgiving decor still out. We were told to hang our Christmas lights while we could. It gets cold here and is always windy which makes it hard to hang lights. We listened to their advice since it's only November and it feels like the middle of winter in Mississippi.
One of my favorite things about being in Kansas is the sunrise and sunsets we get to see. We have lived here 5 months and I still stand in awe of the awesome colors we get to see.