Saturday, January 30, 2010

Slumber Parties and Sledding!

That is what we have been up to these days. First my bible study girls decided to have a slumber party. Actually one of my friends, Christina really planned it all. We are coming to the end of our second bible study and wanted to have a girls night. Christina's husband travels with his job and her and her kids get to go with him. So we had a slumber party before she left town at a Bed and Breakfast. It was so much fun!!! If I knew how to upload videos from my phone, I would show the kind of things that went on. Instead you will just have to check out the pj's we were in for the night.

We haven't gotten much snow this year but there has been enough for the boys to have some snowball fights and go sledding!

This is them checking out the snow first thing this morning. Isaac thought about throwing a snowball at his daddy.

This is all three boys resting after a couple hours of sledding. I didn't go but I had hot chocolate waiting on them when they got home. (Notice Cade's mouth)

This is Cade with his friend Zach. He kinda looks scared but he is really not scared of anything. He came home telling me about how they slid all the way to the woods. I am glad I didn't go to see that.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My big 8 year old!

Aaron and I met with Isaac's teacher the other day. She had some concerns about Isaac and his attention to his work. I kinda expected her to bring up having him tested for ADD but I guess I didn't think it would bother me as much as it has. I know this is not really a major thing to deal with but it still bothers me. I am very thankful and blessed that this is all that Isaac has to struggle with. Most babies born as early as Isaac can't walk or talk and here I am upset about some Attention problems. I guess I just really wanted him to not have to struggle in school or really just life in general. He has gone through so much in his short little life (eventhough he doesn't remember it, I do) and I just wanted school to be easy for him.

So we will be getting Isaac tested and hopefully, we can do some things besides medicine to help him. I just hope and pray finding this while he is young and getting some direction on how to help him will make some major improvements in his school work.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wow how time flies!

I have obviously been neglecting my blog lately. Isaac and Aaron started back school and things just got really hectic around here. I am going to try to start back and at least have a blog a week.

Aaron has one semester left of school then he will be done with his Bachelors in Youth Ministry. Yahoooooo! He starts back school on Monday and is taking 7 classes this semester so he can get done. Oh and did I mention he is training for a marathon too. He obviously likes to stay busy! It has been a long road but we have made some great friends and have just grown so close as a family and our relationship with Christ has grown. Aaron has been sending his resume out and is in the process of filling out questionares and talking with 4 churches right now. We are just really praying for God's direction and a clear path on where He is leading us next. We are excited and nervous. We know that this next move will be a long term move and home for a while. O

Isaac is halfway through 2nd grade. He is doing well this year. He still struggles with his handwriting (what little boy doesn't) and is reading really well. At the beginning of 1st grade I was so concerned with his reading but he has just really caught on. My mom calls him several nights a week and reads to him over the phone. They are reading the Black Stallion right now. She gave him that book and movie for Christmas. He absolutely loves this time of night and can't wait until bedtime so he can call her.

Cade is in his last year of Mothers Morning Out. :( My little boy will be starting Kindergarten in August. He is so excited to be going to big school with his brother. Me on the other hand won't know what to do without a little boy to hang out with everyday. It has been 81/2 years of me being at home with my boys. I am going to miss this stage but I am very excited to see what God has next for me!

Cade has been doing well lately with his headaches. He hasn't had one in a while. We have been praying that God would completely heal Cade and when we go back for his next MRI it will be completely normal. I am not sure when his next MRI will be. It will either be in March of this year (which is nine months from the last MRI) or June of this year ( which is nine months since we saw the neurosurgeon). They are just suppose to let me know when his next appointment will be.

I am just trying to enjoy where we are at in life right now. It is hard not knowing where God is leading us next (especially where our next home will be). I am doing the bible stude One in a Million by Priscilla Shirer. It is about being in a wilderness and God showing up in astonishing ways to lead us. I know this is my wilderness right now ( Aaron finishing school, Cade's MRIs and not knowing where we will live in the next 5 months) but through this bible study, God is showing me that when we are at this place in our lives is when He is positioning us to work in a a unique and unusual way.