Sunday, May 10, 2009

Scary Night

We spent last night in the er at Kosair Children's Hospital. Cade and Isaac went with their friends to Puzzles Fun Dome. Aaron and I didn't go and were getting to enjoy a night out eating sushi, just the two of us. When we got done eating, my friend who had taken the boys called me and said Cade had fallen. He was going to get in one of the blow up bouncy things and when he jumped on the edge someone else bounced him back out. He only fell about 2 or 3 feet but the extra bounce and landing on a hard concrete floor didn't help. He didn't get down and play anymore and wouldn't eat and all he wanted to do was sleep. By the time Aaron and I had gotten to him, he had thrown up twice and was half asleep. I think this is the scarest I have been for one of my children since I had Isaac early at 23 weeks. Aaron and I went to the hospital where he threw up 3 more times and kept trying to fall asleep. After his CT scan, he was allowed to finally fall asleep. The doctor came in and said he had a mild concussion but was concerned about him getting dehydrated. They gave him some medicine to calm his stomach and then gave him something to drink to see if he could keep it down. So at about 12:30 after Cade had kept some fluids down, they let us go home.

Cade slept right in between Aaron and I and I woke up every couple of hours to check on him and make sure he was still breathing. He woke up this morning saying he was very thirsty. He has been laying around and fell back asleep but overall seems to be doing a lot better. He still says he has a headache but nothing a little tylenol hasn't seem to help. As a matter of fact, he was a little upset he couldn't go to church this morning!

We are so thankful that our little boy is ok. We will go back either today or tomorrow and have his Peditrician check him out just to make sure he is responding normally. Thanks to all of our friends and family who prayed for us!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh Sarah, how scary! I am so glad he is okay....we will be praying for him and for a speedy recovery. Give him a big hug and kiss from us!!
