It isn't until September 2ND. I heard from the Pediatrician last night and talked to the nurse today. The Pediatrician was just calling me to make sure I didn't have any questions that she could try to help answer. She also wants to try Cade on some medicine for his headaches to see if maybe some of them are migraines and he can get some relief. The nurse called today to let us know that when we would be able to get in to see the Neurosurgeon. We will be getting some information on Chiari Malformation and also instructions on keeping a journal. I am not real sure what the journal is about but I do know I will be keeping it until we go see the doctor in September. The nurse also said that Cade's condition isn't severe enough right now to require surgery. The Syrinx is the bubble on his spinal cord and it isn't big enough right now to do any damage. So we will be taking him for MRI's every 6 months to a year to keep an eye on things.
I am so thankful for every ones prayers and concerns. I am also thankful that this isn't as severe as it could of been and that Cade doesn't have something life threatening. We are really able to stand back and see God's hand in all of this and taking care of Cade. My dad said to me today that even though it won't be fun having MRI's so often, the longer we can keep from having surgery or any kind of treatment the better technology will be when they do have to do something.
Cade has done really well with all of his tests and doctors appointments. He did ask me today if he was going to have to go back to the doctor. I told him we had to go back to talk to the doctor next time. He was so happy we only had to talk and they weren't putting that sticky tape and needle in his arm again.